Dual Axe Throw

Double Axe Throwing Inflatable Game

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6 hours: $299.25
Over 6 hours: +10% for an extra hour
Overnight: $778.06 until 11:30am next day
Weekend: $478.81 Friday drop off Sunday after 4pm pickup

Setup Area: 11' L x 17' W x 10' H

Actual Size: 10' L x 16' W x 9' H

Monitors: 1

Outlets: 1

Age Group: 3+


Axe Throwing Inflatable Game


Real life axe throwing is all the rage these days as a great way to cause some damage and have some fun. We here at KC Party Rentals believe that real axe throwing might be a little dangerous for our target market so here you have our inflatable version. There are two targets where each thrower gets 3 velcro axes to throw and hit the target. The person with the highest point total wins.